更多哈佛教授作客哈佛大道1号 畅谈医学大数据和人工智能
哈佛副教授畅谈医疗大数据+AI 哈佛大道一号讲座顺利举行
讲座伊始,哈佛大道一号研究院总负责人Lisa Zhang对周丽教授及在做听众的到来表示欢迎。
Lisa Zhang说:“哈佛大道一号研究院的征程现在才刚刚开始。我们将继续致力于为医疗专业人士搭建沟通桥梁,打造知识分享平台。
One Harvard Street Institute Hosted Seminar On Big Data and Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare
Harvard Medical School Professor Featured at One Harvard Street Institute Seminar
One Harvard Street Institute,a non-profit organization established by Mass Medical International in 2015,hosted a seminar featuring Associate Professor and Lead Investigator at Division of General Internal Medicine and Primary Care of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School Dr.Li Zhou on Friday at the Center of Life Science Boston.
The seminar kicked-off as Lisa Zhang,the primary operator of One Harvard Street Institute,welcomed everyone who attended the seminar.The seminar focused on the development,application,prospect,and challenges of big data and artificial intelligence in healthcare.Dr.Zhou also shared detailed insights on speech recognition,natural language selection,machine learning,medical NLP-ecosystem,ways to document EHR,and how big data is changing the healthcare industry.
The seminar kicked-off as Lisa Zhang,the primary operator of One Harvard Street Institute,welcomed everyone who attended the seminar.The seminar focused on the development,application,prospect,and challenges of big data and artificial intelligence in healthcare.Dr.Zhou also shared detailed insights on speech recognition,natural language selection,machine learning,medical NLP-ecosystem,ways to document EHR,and how big data is changing the healthcare industry.
The seminar attracted more than 150 healthcare professionals,research scholars,medical students,and other professionals.It is the first time that One Harvard Street Institute has hosted a seminar that attracted more than 100 attendees.Lisa,the operator,said,“this is the just the beginning for One Harvard Street Institute,we have to keep building bridges and knowledge sharing platform for healthcare professionals.”The seminar proved to be a success as everyone lined-up after the seminar to ask Dr.Zhou questions regarding the topic she shared.
Dr.Zhou,left,with One Harvard Street Institute operator,Lisa Zhang,right,after the seminar.
One Harvard Street Institute,a non-profit organization established by Mass Medical International in 2015,aims to promote intellectual exchange and collaborations regarding healthcare technology,innovation,and entrepreneurship between China and the United States.With a vision of global access to healthcare excellence,we strive to connect the most talented international healthcare professionals and organizations with leading professionals,and strategic partners in the United States.
哈佛大道 人工智能 大数据